Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First of all

Let me begin my postings on a high note by saying that Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is one of the greatest movies of all time.  I mean how can you go wrong with James Stewart ever?  He plays the character of Jefferson Smith with such innocence and wonder, yet his strength of character radiates throughout the entire film. 

Stewart and his supporting cast members bring the audience along with them on a 2 hours and change emotional whirl wind.  We feel his excitement as he arrives in Washington for the first time, and we feel his exhaustion as he stands in the Senate holding the floor for over 23 hours, reciting American historical documents. 

In a time where it seems non existent, Stewart makes you believe in the American Dream again. 

As in a great many classic films from the earlier part of the 20th century, the acting of the entire cast is fantastic.  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington doesn't need flashy cuts or special effects because the story and heart felt acting is enough. 

If you've been watching nothing but Michael Bay movies as of late, I encourage you to pick up this movie and take a gander.  You may be surprised at how fulfilling a movie can be without overusing "edgy" effects and camera work. 

Today's lesson:  Sometimes you just need to get back to the basics. 

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